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THALGO was born from the Oceans and has always put a lot into protecting the environment and the seabed. In 2021, THALGO is continuing to take action for the oceans, by joining THE SEACLEANERS NGO, set up by Yvan Bourgnon. The yachtsman discovered the world of the sea when he was 8, when he went on his first tour of the world with his brother and parents, which lasted three years. “At the time, there wasn't all this waste. Thirty-five years later, I sailed through a sea of plastic for two months” When he got back to land, he decided to create THE SEACLEANERS NGO and design the Manta, a giant depolluting catamaran set to sail the world’s oceans from 2024 that are suffocating the most with plastic pollution.
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The THALGO brand gives you the opportunity to discover your SEA LOVER potential, to measure your connection with the sea, create awareness about its benefits and the importance of preserving it. WHAT DOES BEING SEA LOVER MEAN? Being a SEA LOVER means being connected to the sea as much as it is connected to our life. Since our childhood, every day the sea enables us to experience unforgettable moments and intense emotions.
Find out what your Sea Lover potential is by answering a few questions
You can use the 3R reflex too to minimise your waste’s impact: REDUCE, RECYCLE, REUSE
The Laboratoires BLC THALGO COSMETIC company is proud to publish the score of its index on equality between men and women for 2020. The company obtained a score of 83/85 rounded out to an overall score of 98/100, according to the 4-indicator index. - Salary gap: 38/40 - Individual pay rise gaps: 35/35 - Pay rise on returning from maternity leave: incalculable - Employee of the most under-represented gender among the 10 highest salaries: 10/10
THALGO COSMETIC is attentive to improving professional equality between women and men and obtained a score that has increased significantly compared to 2019. “Professional equality between women and men is at the heart of THALGO COSMETIC’s corporate undertakings. We undertake to improve this index each year, in order to reach true equality in the workplace” Bernard Sirop, THALGO COSMETIC Managing Director